ScrapQD’s documentation!


ScrapQD consists of query definition created for scraping web data using GraphQL-Core which is port of GraphQL.js.

Library intends to focus on how to locate data from website and eliminate backend process of crawling. So people can just have xpath and get data right away.

It supports scraping using requests for traditional websites and selenium for modern websites (js rendering). Under selenium it supports Google Chrome and FireFox drivers.

ScrapQD library only uses lxml parser and xpath used to locate elements.

Getting Started

How to install

pip install scrapqd

How to run the server standalone

You can run scrapqd graphql server standalone without any additional code with below command. Flask is used as server and localhost.

python -m scrapqd

Flask uses 5000 as default port. You can change the port and host with below options.

python -m scrapqd --port 5001 --host x.x.x.x


ScrapeQD consists of below components.

GraphQL UI

GraphQL UI provides flexibility to write scrapqd query and test it. GraphQL UI supports auto completion and query documentation to develop query faster. You can access UI - localhost.

UI is loaded with sample query and Sample page is accessible for practice.

You can pass custom template for the query ui.

  • History - to view past 10 queries that was tested.

  • Copy - Copy the content in the query window.

  • Prettify - prettifies the graphql query.

  • Show/Hide - Show or hides the result window.

  • Query Variables - query variables editor to pass data to query when you execute.

scrapqd ui

Executing with client

from scrapqd.client import execute_sync

query = r"""
        query test_query($url: String!, $name: GenericScalar!) {
          result: fetch(url: $url) {
            name: constant(value: $name)
            summary: group {
              total_shown_expenses: regex(xpath: "//*[@id='exp-total']", pattern: "(\\d+)")

query_variables = {
    "url": "http://localhost:5000/scrapqd/sample_page/",
    "name": "local-testing"
result = execute_sync(self.query, query_variables)

Integrating with existing Flask app

Sample Flask app

from flask import Flask

name = __name__
app = Flask(name)

def hello_world():
    return "<p>Hello, World!</p>"

Integrating scrapqd with existing app

from import register_scrapqd

app: Flask application

register_sample_url: False will not register sample page url to Flask application. Default is True

redirect_root: Redirect root url to graphql ui if this is set to True. This will not reflect, if there is already root route defined as above example.

Test (for development)

  • Clone the github repository

    git clone
  • create virtual environment to work

    pip3 install virtualenv
    virtualenv scrapqd_venv
    source scrapqd_venv/bin/activate
  • install tox

    pip install tox
  • run tox from the project root directory

    • current tox have four python version - py37,py38,py39,py310

    • check your python version

      python3 --version
      # Python 3.9.10
    • once you get your version (example: use py39 for 3.9) to run tox

      tox -e py39


  • How to copy query from graphql ui to python code.

    • you can normally copy code from ui to python code to execute using client.

    • if you hav regex query, patterns needs to escaped in the python code. In such, use python raw strings, where backslashes are treated as literal characters, as above example.

  • How to suppress webdriver logs

    • If you see webdriver logs like below, set WDM_LOG_LEVEL=0 as environment variable and run

      [INFO] [97002] [2022-03-14T02:18:26+0530] [SCRAPQD] [/webdriver_manager/] [WDM] [Driver [/99.0.4844.51/chromedriver] ...]
  • How to change log level for scrapqd library

    • ERROR level is default logging. You can change this with SCRAPQD_LOG_LEVEL environment variable.